
Arthrosamid Injection Logo

Move Freely, Live Fully

Long-lasting, proven pain relief for knee osteoarthritis - without surgery

What is Arthrosamid®?

Arthrosamid® is a cutting-edge injectable hydrogel that delivers long-lasting, proven pain relief for knee OA - improving your quality of life without surgery. Arthrosamid® is administered via a simple, one-step procedure performed under local anaesthesia by a qualified physician familiar with joint injections - ensuring you’re in and out of the clinic the same day.

Arthrosamid Injection

What should I expect during the procedure?

Arthrosamid® is singularly injected into your knee’s synovial cavity where it distributes within the synovial fluid and begins to stick to and mesh with the synovial tissue.

Before treatment with Arthrosamid®, you will have a local anaesthetic to numb the area around your knee. You will also be given antibiotics ahead of this to protect you from any potential risk of infection

Step 1: Your knee will be cleaned prior to treatment.


Steps 2&3: Arthrosamid® is then singularly injected into your knee’s synovial cavity. This might be performed with the help of ultrasound.



Step 4: The needle is then removed and a plaster is placed over the injection site.

How does Arthrosamid® work?

Arthrosamid® permanently combines with the tissue lining your knee joint, thickening it to provide a barrier. It’s this unique characteristic that provides a significant reduction in your OA pain over a longer period - with one single treatment.


What are the Benefits?

Unlike with HA injectables - where there is very little evidence to show that the effect is still noticeable at six months - Arthrosamid® provides a significant reduction in your knee OA pain over a longer period with one single treatment. Treatment with Arthrosamid® is a simple, one-step out-patient procedure - which doesn’t involve the disruptive recovery period usually associated with surgery.

What is the response rate of Arthrosamid®?

Patients in the under 70 years group reported close to 80% positive response rate following treatment with Arthrosamid.


What are the side effects?

Clinical trials report there were no serious side effects following treatment with Arthrosamid®. The most commonly reported side effects were joint pain and a sensation of joint swelling, which were mostly mild in severity and lasting days to weeks. The overall safety profile of the injectable hydrogel has been established over the last 20 years with its use for various indications in the body.


Can I receive another treatment if the effect of the first treatment wears off - and if so, after what period of time?

Whilst trials have not been conducted to show treatment effect, future treatments with Arthrosamid® are not contraindicated and can be discussed with your doctor or Physician.

Can I receive Arthrosamid® treatment in both my knees?

Yes, it is possible to have both knees treated with Arthrosamid® but your physician is best placed to decide the time period before the treatments.

Do I need to tell any healthcare providers about my treatment?

If in the future you require a major surgical or dental procedure, you should tell your treating physician that you have an Arthrosamid® injectable implant in your knee to ensure an accurate medical assessment.

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